i'm surprised at what i said today.
it suddenly feels as though i've grown up overnight. making sense to every single thing that i said and i'm amazed by myself. i have not and did not and would never have expected myself to have said these things.
well i was smsing jazreel today. conversation started was kenneth :D nvm.. more details cannot be disclosed later someone come after me x) so yuppp! you know sometimes there are somethings that are better off not to know. so when anything were to happen it'll juz be a big surprise that you'll love or at least you wont fall that hard if things turned out otherwise. so juz have patience and wait and see! cuz you know that one day your patience will be rewarded someday somehow. so there's no need to worry so much. juz one step at a time. maybe it's juz not now, cuz it's not our time yet. maybe uni or maybe when we start working? many more opportunities to come! (: i'll have patience. i'll get my reward when it's time for me to get it. with a little magic at work =)
sometimes i wish nature would juz speed up and find it's course to travel in the quickest time possible. i dread the wait but i know it could all be juz worthwhile. but for now, if it's meant to be it will be.
so today had school alpha dialogue physio. home hungry. and the next thing i know i'm deep in thought. maybe you made sense, but i wish you didn't. but whatever.
i'm stoning my life away and i'm tired. i dunno why. shall juz go sleep now. at a late hour again.
*throbs @00:57 <3
There .
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